Grilled Baked Potatoes
This recipe came to my family when I was a child thanks to my Uncle Jan Neeb
I prefer to use larger Idaho potatoes for this recipe
Aluminum Foil
Big bag Idaho Potatoes
Olive Oil
Kosher Salt
Fresh Ground Black Pepper
Start your grill going for a high heat
Wash and let dry approximately 8-10 potatoes
Slice all potatoes in half lengthwise
Score the insides in a crosshatch pattern about halfway through
Sprinkle with Kosher salt and black pepper
Tear off enough small sheets of foil to wrap each potato half in its own packet
Lightly coat foil packet with Olive Oil
Place potatoes in the pouch cut side down in the Olive Oil and wrap them up
Your grill/coals should be hot enough now
Place potatoes face down in the coals or on the grill grate with the coals raised to their full height
Allow one hour for potatoes to cook through